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Every time you support Novel Nola, by purchasing from our website or making a donation, we send you a complimentary thank you gift. Monthly donees will receive exclusive offers, perks and be the first to know about our new & seasonal products.

Our glass storage facility is becoming overgrown after 5 years of recycling all the glass we can get our hands on. We allow locals to come drop off their glass, reusable packaging and materials. After Hurricanes Ida, Zeta & (most recently) Francine, our entire workspace has taken a major beating that has been a daily struggle to rebuild.

In January of 2023 we moved into a 2,200sf warehouse to expand on our mission of joining hands with local makers in the community in a co-creative space & be able to supply a covered, larger space for glass donations to be dropped off. Unfortunately, due to unforeseeable circumstances circulating around the building’s ownership & undisclosed zoning issues, we were forced to move our entire 2,200sf workshop back into our founder’s backyard & into her 400sf guest house, right as we were gaining steam. All renovations came to a hault as we worked night and day to put the pieces back together & continue to fill online orders from supportive customers all over the world. Your donations not only give us hope but they allow us to continue pushing forward.

Spread the Word

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.